Residents Association


The Residents Association has been saved following the appointment of new members.   They are keen to make their actions visible by publishing transactions of the group on Facebook.

Following the call for help in the Messenger, I am pleased to report that the Methley and Mickletown Residents Association will continue. Their new chair is Julie Hardaker, the new secretary is Anna Walton and Hannah Hackett will be the treasurer. They will be supported by committee members: Martin Hodgson, Mark Robins, Gillian Brennan and Ruth Stephens.

Minutes of the Meeting  held Monday 6th November


Julie Hardaker (Chair), Anna Walton (secretary), Hannah Hackett (treasurer), Ruth Stephens, Mark Robins, plus approx. 17 residents.

David Hodgson

We have heard the sad news that long-standing and much valued MMRA committee member David Hodgson passed away today. Our condolences go to his family and friends.

Minutes of the last meeting were agreed as an accurate record.

  1. Apologies received
    • Martin Hodgson, Gillian Brennan, Cllr James Lewis, Cllr Mary Harland, Cllr Keith Wakefield, Peter Kerins.


  1. Police report (PCSOs Andy Hurley and Adam Hick attended)

Andy has recently taken over from Dave, who has now moved to Halton Moor.

There have been 35 crimes over the last 9 weeks (including domestic crimes). There has been an increase in burglaries, one violent but an arrest was made for this. Extra patrols have been put in; Andy has been out every day. He reminded everyone to please be vigilant and lock doors and ground-floor windows as many burglaries involve people entering through an unsecure door or window. Andy noted that there is often an increase before Christmas. One resident mentioned that there was an increase in crime the last time there was work being carried out on the M62 through the village and that work was currently being carried out on it. Action: PCSO Andy to look into any link.


Speeding – Andy has been out with a speed gun in Lower Mickletown; he didn’t observe anyone breaking the speed limit on this occasion. One resident raised asked if Andy could take the speed gun to Pinfold Lane.  Action: Andy agreed to do this.

Julie asked about the community speed gun scheme where residents are trained to use them. Action: PCSO Andy will look into this.

One resident raised an issue with people speeding on the main A639 near Rivers Meet and asked whether it was possible to get a speed camera.  There was some confusion over who decides whether to put up a speed camera. Action: Ask Cllrs what the procedure is for requesting a permanent speed camera.


  1. Play areas and green spaces (Vicky Nunns from LCC Parks & Countryside Service)

18 months ago Vicky started working with some parents about improving the parks in Methley.  Adele Britton from Housing has been looking at the possibility of putting a play area on the Embleton Road estate.

Vicky showed and outlined the plans and discussion documents that had been developed following the consultation with parents.  There are three LCC-owned parks; Coney Moor, The Junction and Savile Road. Vicky is hopeful that all three can be developed. She would like feedback from residents on the plans to check if they are suitable. Action: Anna to post on Facebook and encourage parents to attend the village hall and view the plans via the Facebook page.

Vicky also mentioned that there may be some money to spend on the Church Lane pitches e.g. car parking.  There was some concern about this if it would impact nearby houses.

One resident raised that there were no litter bins at the area in Low End, near Coney Moor. Vicky suggested it might be possible to put a bin on the park land and that perhaps her colleagues in street cleansing would agree to empty it. Action: Vicky to follow this up and speak to Simon from Cleaner Leeds.


  1. Matters arising:

Quad bikes: PCSO Andy was not sure if his colleagues had spoken to Shaun Taylor about this issue but confirmed that he had caught some quad bike users and warned them.

Speeding: The Cllrs had not received a reply to their contact with Sergeant Lund at the time of our meeting.

Trees: Martin was not able to attend this meeting.

Barratt Homes’ sign: Cllrs Lewis confirmed that the sign had been removed from that location by the Church Lane junction. It has, however, been moved to the cricket club and this is being looked into by LCC Planning dept.

Flood money: Cllr Lewis confirmed that the payment was received at the time it was agreed.

Flooding on Park Lane: Cllr Lewis has been in contact with the Highways and Flood Management teams about Park Lane. It is a low priority for flood management action as there are other sites in the city with houses being effected. There was further discussion about the state of the road. Action: Mark Robins from Mexborough Estates will follow this up further.


  1. Flood group report – nothing available as the meeting is next week.


  1. Methley Wombles – Jim Kerr

Jim gave an update about the litter picking group. They currently have a group litter pick once per month which are usually well attended by a variety of residents of all ages. Anyone is welcome to join in. They have been given some equipment like pickers, hoops and hi-vis vests from LCC and some more hi-vis vests were donated by Arla. They estimate collecting over 200 bags since starting in May. They have received a further donation of money from the Cllrs from the MICE fund and asked the MMRA to handle this as they do not have an account of their own. Julie agreed that this was fine.


  1. Items from residents

Shrubs on the Longbow estate – concern was raised that there were a number of shrubs which were growing on the paths in the Longbow estate. Some were on private property but some on the shared property. Action: It was agreed to ask the Councillors for some steer on what could be done.


  1. Any other business

Emergency gate on Station Road – one resident raised that there was no sign to keep clear for emergency access and that LCC had put the sign in the wrong place. Action: email Cllrs about this issue.

Dog waste bin for Ings Lane – one of the residents confirmed that he had followed up on the request for a dog waste bin at the parking area near Ings Lane and Watergate and that this should be provided shortly.


Christmas lights switch on event – One resident asked if there was any chance of not having the fireworks where they currently are set off from. It was agreed that it was possibly too late to change this year’s event but that it could be raised with the Cllrs for future years. There was also some discussion about their being limited suitable places.


Parking on Station Road – One resident asked about the parking for the RSPB site on Station Road and whether it will be policed. There was an RSPB consultation event which was publicised. Action: email the Cllrs to see if this issue had been raised with the RSPB.


David Hodgson – one resident suggested the MMRA make a donation to the Prince of Wales Hospice in memory of David. Action: Julie agreed that this would be a good idea and will ensure a card is sent from the MMRA also.


Date of next meeting: Monday 8 January 2018 at 7.30 in Mickletown Community Centre.

If you would like the meeting to discuss a particular issue/topic then please email the details to so it can be added to the agenda.

We’ll open the room from 7pm and provide tea, coffee and biscuits.


Reminder: Your local ward councillors are available in the Methodist Chapel on the third Saturday of every month between 10am and 11am.






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