Mr TW Embleton was elected chairman in 1907 and that year plans and estimates were submitted by MR JS Richardson and approved for sewage works for Scholey Hill and Pinder Green.
Communication was then taking place with Castleford as to terms for fire brigade services and the Chief Constable was asked to give his attention to the excessive speed of motor cars passing through the district. An arrangement was made to take 25 acres of land from the Rector for allotment purposes. Minutes of 1910 outlined references to the dust nuisance on the roads and the first mention was made of
tar-spraying. This was the year of the death of King Edward VII and the Whitehaven Colliery disaster and suitable letters were sent in each case.
In August that year Allerton Bywater approached the Council as to a bridge over the river Aire. It was agreed to meet a deputation should Tadcaster Rural Council favour the proposal.Plans were approved from the Ven. Armstrong Hall for the erection of a parish hall.
In 1912 the Rector wrote to the Council as to a ‘Titanic’ fund but the Council did not consider it advisable to create a precedent.
When in 1914 Hunslet Rural Council showed the inclusion of a part of Methley in their adoption of the Housing & Town Planning Act, the Council passed a resolution objecting to such interference.
Councillor Hollings became chairman in 1915 and Cllr. Bullimore vice and a rate of 2s 3d was laid. Cllr Bullimore proposed the provision of a recreation ground and it was decided to approach Capt. Savile as to a possible site.Mr Thompson Jr. was appointed engineer to carry out sewerage and water mains in Pit Lane.No action was taken when the police asked if the Council were providing any fire extinguishing apparatus in case of air raids.The Local government Board asked for a revision of the bye-laws of 1878 which they regarded as obsolete, the Chief Clerk reported that streets and roads would have to be 6ft wider.
That year it was reported that a loan of £5,500 for sewage treatment had been repaid. It was also reported that 200 Methley men had joined the forces during the war so far. As the war continued the Council became more and more occupied in dealing with war time regulations. It was stated that the village had a potatoless week and that there were some turnips out with no labour available to harvest them. The question of a bridge from Allerton Bywater cropped up again a rough estimate of cost of £20,000, while in sympathy with the idea the Council thought the time was inopportune.
The year 1919 was largely occupied with housing, but the bridge to Allerton raised its head again with a deputation of ratepayers claiming that 97% of the populace were in favour. Their suggestion was that it could be a memorial to both villages. A committee was formed to consider the matter.
At an early meeting in 1920 an aerial ropeway company wrote that a ropeway over the river was perfectly feasible and would cost approx.£3,000. Sanction was given by the Ministry of Health to a loan for £1,302 for land for housing.
At the annual general meetingit was reported that the rateable value had dropped by £2,000 owing to colliery workings. The matter of a recreation ground which had been dropped was now brought forward again. At the September meeting the council received six months notice to quit the tenancy of Red House.
The rate advanced to 4s 6d in 1921 in which year was the first suggestion made of a county rural library scheme. In November the County Council made a grant of £14,570 for repairing the Leeds and Barnsdale main road at certain points between Dunford House and the Oulton Boundary.
New members in 1922 included Major DH Currer-Briggs and Mr JS Richardson. There was a suggestion for alternative bus routes through Mickletown. Also a tender for 6,000 yards of Trinidad Lake asphalt at 15s a square yard was accepted for the main road. |